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Welcome to Garden of Neuro Publishing

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Garden of Neuro Publishing walks with writers on their literary journey, helping to develop their voice and story. 

Garden of Neuro Publishing helps authors produce high-quality, engaging, and entertaining books. Garden of Neuro Publishing believes every author has a story to tell and every story deserves to be told. 


Author Submissions

Garden of Neuro Publishing accepts submissions for Fiction and Non-Fiction manuscripts from authors with a focus on, but not limited to, the following genres:


  • Women's Literature

  • Women-Focused Stories and Issues

  • Historical Fiction

  • Memoir

  • Essay Collections

  • Neurodiversity

  • Humor

  • Poetry

  • Women's History/Herstory

  • Women's Leadership

  • Business & Career

  • Educational

Please include in your submission:

  • Cover Letter

  • Your Contact Information

  • Outline of Book

  • Your first 10 pages of content in Times New Roman 12 pt. font, double spaced

  • 1-3 page synopsis of your book

  • Number of Pages in Your Book

  • Social Media Information

  • Let us know if your manuscript has been submitted elsewhere! 

Garden of Neuro Publishing is fully committed to working with authors. If we are interested in your work, we will request you submit the first, middle, and final chapters of your book before making a final decision.

Contracts are industry standard with no advance.

Our 2024 Publishing Calendar is Full!
If you would like to be notified when GoNI/Publishing is accepting submissions please subscribe to our newsletter below.

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Welcome to the Garden of Neuro.  An incubator for women's agency and leadership.  Create your life.

Welcome to the Garden of Neuro. An incubator for women's agency and leadership. Create your life.

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A Safe and Brave Space Volume 2 Book Launch Gathering

A Safe and Brave Space Volume 2 Book Launch Gathering

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Garden of Neuro Open Mic Event: Women's History Month, March 29, 2023

Garden of Neuro Open Mic Event: Women's History Month, March 29, 2023

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